Real Industry + TiVo Innovation Hackathon
Drexel University

Submit your final project by Sunday, march 8, 2020 at 11:59 PM ET

1) Team finds your folders here: THIS FOLDER (it is imperative that every file you upload includes your team name or team captain name in the file name):

Team 1 - David Ajibade, Alisha Augustin, Taylor Conroy, Anushka Dunessur

Team 2 - Nam Dao, Meelan Dullabh

Team 3 - Salamata Bah, Anushka, Dunessur

2) Make sure that all the files you upload have sharing permissions with Real Industry (only teammates have access to your folder)

3) Short answers (50-75 words or less) to the following questions (you can answer these questions in a word doc and upload the document):

- What was the treatment/vision were you going for? Did you accomplish your vision? Why/why not?
- What was the specific problem solved?
- Who the solution is valuable to and the specific technical details of implementing the solution
- What problem statements were you able to define? (Platform Innovation, Advertising Technology, Content Innovation)
- What was the biggest challenge, technically and/or creatively?