
NOW ENROLLING Summer and Fall 2022 Cohorts

summer: Jul 15 - Aug 26

fall: Sep 9 - Oct 21



BADASS Fellows is a six-week program for the Black+ community and all others who wish to be better accomplices in the workforce and life.

- Black+ participants: we’ll explore mechanisms of racism, hold space for each other, and build tools of resilience. In the words of one student participant, the program helped him, “understand his roots and fortified his soul.”

- Accomplices: As a community, we will hold the experience of Black+ participants at the center and learn how to hold the door open for others.

See below for benefits, time commitment, and expectations for participants.



There is important information we need to get you before you graduate and enter the world of work. These are conversations you're likely not exposed to as a STEM or Business major at a predominantly white institution (from the clothes you wear at work, to hair discrimination laws, to tonality/ways of communicating, and career advancement). We will provide you with tools and resources that help you understand the structures of racism that have influenced the economic, social, and political spaces of our lives. And, we'll share with you the good, the bad, and the ugly you will likely face as a Black person trying to work and live in America. Mentorship sessions with Black professionals (from Verizon, Stanford, Dolby, EA, Netflix, BMG Music, and more) will prepare you to succeed DESPITE these circumstances. And, the insights gained will prepare you to succeed in your career. Accomplices trained will receive the tools needed to support their Black peers in the workplace and in their communities.



- Knowledge is power. This program has a healing effect.

- Community. Connect deeply with others in a well-facilitated environment.

- Celebrate. We will find every way to lift you up, announcing your completion of the program to leaders on campus and hosting a virtual or IRL honoring of your accomplishment.

- Recommend. We will provide a LinkedIn recommendation to aid in your search for job opportunities.

- Jobs. We will connect you to job opportunities at high-growth companies that are committed to racial equity.


Time commitment

One-hour a week zoom on Friday afternoon (flexible), after having consumed that week’s assignment (movie, podcast, or light reading).


Expectations of you:

This program was designed for the busy student-athlete or community member. As someone who is running between meetings, classes, practice, and games… you don’t have much time. We get that. And, we designed something that allows you to learn on the go and come to a one-hour zoom on Fridays to process what you learned with peers. You will…

- Learn. Each week you'll receive a resource (movies and podcasts only) that you'll take in at your leisure.

- Reflect. Each week, you will jot down reactions in a community journal. This is a pass-fail experience. We don't judge quality.

- In community. On Fridays, you attend a virtual debrief with another learner in the program.

- Receive Mentorship. In the final two weeks, you will engage one-on-one with Black professionals in their careers to get front-line strategies for success.

Above all, active participation makes for the BADest of Fellows.


NOW ENROLLING Summer and Fall 2022 Cohorts

summer: Jul 15 - Aug 26

fall: Sep 9 - Oct 21

Week 1: Modern-day: School to prison pipeline.

Week 2: Jim Crow-era impact on Black economics.

Week 3: The invention of racism.

Week 4: Motown, Land Ownership, Healthcare, and more.

Week 5: Poverty by Design.*

Week 6: Race at Work + Economics.*

* Features industry professionals who will help students understand how they have overcome these factors in their professional and personal lives.

Questions? Contact us.