Life's Not Linear with Ambrose WB

Ambrose WB has constantly utilized reflection to learn and grow. Coach Ambrose focuses on mental performance coaching and is a director at SKY Schools where they focus on helping people manage their stress and emotions using breathwork and meditation. Ambrose works with children, their parents, and educators in after school programs. His path to here was not linear at all. From getting injured, no longer being able to play football, being a Black man at a primarily white institution, experiencing 9/11 through the lens of his Middle Eastern roommate while in school, graduating without a job lined up, going back to working at the shoe store, and hosting parties at his place to make money, Ambrose knew he wanted to do more and help others. The first time Ambrose thought out about meditation was as a young kid watching kung fu movies. Now, today, it's his career and life passion. Check out the full interview to hear about his journey and the incredible impact he's making today.