
Life's Not Linear with Ambrose WB

Ambrose WB has constantly utilized reflection to learn and grow. Coach Ambrose focuses on mental performance coaching and is a director at SKY Schools where they focus on helping people manage their stress and emotions using breathwork and meditation. Ambrose works with children, their parents, and educators in after school programs. His path to here was not linear at all. From getting injured, no longer being able to play football, being a Black man at a primarily white institution, experiencing 9/11 through the lens of his Middle Eastern roommate while in school, graduating without a job lined up, going back to working at the shoe store, and hosting parties at his place to make money, Ambrose knew he wanted to do more and help others. The first time Ambrose thought out about meditation was as a young kid watching kung fu movies. Now, today, it's his career and life passion. Check out the full interview to hear about his journey and the incredible impact he's making today.

Life's Not Linear with Aneysha Bhat & Zech Dahms

Zech Dahms and Aneysha Bhat are doing some incredible work surround culture in the workplace. Their values at Perrenial Culture LLC are human connection, empowerment, and sustainability. Through both of their life and career experiences, they've always searched for community and have enjoyed being a catalyst for community culture development. Zech started Perennial HD a few years ago, and now he and Aneysha are collaborating to bring the power of empathy to the forefront to bring people together. They aim to create long-lasting change through community culture initiatives, cultural evolution, and workshops. Watch the full interview to learn more about Aneysha, biomedical engineer by trade and cultural engineer by choice, and Zech, cultural architect, and what they're doing to help their communities. Check out some of their work at perrenialculture.com.

Life's Not Linear with Michael Hostad

Michael Hostad is a retired IT professional that has used his coding work for some pretty amazing community projects. Michael began building websites at age 14, posting clips from The Simpson for fun. After college, he worked for a financial company, building websites. After realizing this didn't bring him a lot of intrinsic joy, he took an IT position at UW-Milwaukee. This position grew and grew as he said yes and fast forward, he ends up working for a large nonprofit in Milwaukee and then starting a non-profit called The Commons, a free accelerator for students to bring students together across Southeast WI to learn the entrepreneurial mindset, why failure is important, and creative problem-solving. During this time, Michael started a passion project called Light The Hoan. The Hoan Bridge is the Golden Gate of Milwaukee. Michael has worked for 4.5 years on this project with his partner Ian, and at the end of August, the west side will be lit! To top it off, Michael comes full circle in building a coding curriculum for students to program different light patterns so they, too, can Light The Hoan. Michael is a strong advocate of the community and Milwaukee.

Life's Not Linear with Mahmoud Khedr

Mahmoud @moody.io is a beacon of hope for our youth today. Born in Egypt and being Muslim, assimilating to American culture was very difficult. He struggled with avoiding and hiding his culture, lying about his ethnicity, and doing all he could to “fit in”. Mahmoud later realized that people’s opinions of him did not and do not define him or his identity. His entrepreneurial ventures started young, selling candy bars, and washing dishes. Moving into college, he worked for a couple of startups but soon said he did not want to pursue another startup UNLESS it had deep intrinsic value. And then, @flora.mind was born. He and his two best friends, @danny.ts0 & @khandkeraham had a conversation that sparked a movement to bring mental health education to our youth. Watch to find out more!

Life's Not Linear with Jessica Innis

Jessica is a powerhouse! Smith College grad with a degree in chemistry and a minor in econ- and that’s only scratching the surface. She’s held many chair positions in various organizations and even founded the entrepreneurship club at Smith. From business to organic chemistry to kickboxing to entrepreneurship to self-care and advocacy - she has a big heart for herself and others. Jessica found Bloom magazine @bloomlifemag and Red Flowers @redflowersco hair care and is a strong advocate for critical media literacy. Wanna know what that is? Watch the full interview & share your thoughts!

Life's Not Linear with Olivia Menzia

Olivia shares with us her life of freelancing right after graduating. Her plan was to work for an agency, but she’s a firm believer in what will be, will be, and the universe keeps bringing her back to freelance. Liv tells us how she organizes all her different clients, how she stays disciplined, and why it’s important to know your worth and ask for it. She is a superstar entrepreneur, catching up on current projects or coming up with new ones to make rent and bring others joy - whether it’s through design, art, or vegan ice cream.@ everyone: PAY CREATIVES WHAT THEY’RE WORTH!

Life's Not Linear with Priyanka Lalwani

It took 35 years for Priyanka Lalwani (@priyankalalwanimusic) to find success in her music career and the story she tells is one of overcoming self-doubt. Now, she manages a successful business that is only expanding during this pandemic. The secret to her grit and determination? Give it a listen. This interview was conducted by Humera Fasihuddin, standing in for Tara Rahmani.

Life's Not Linear with Tim Salau

A great way to kick off this week is with @timsalau, Mr. Future of Work! We chatted today about company culture and leadership, team dynamics and development, the grit and hustle of entrepreneurship, and much more. Watch the full interview for all the lovely wisdom & stay tuned for the launch of Guide next week!

Life's Not Linear with Dylan Ali

Today, I got to chat with the wonderful, Dylan Ali. On top of learning a bit about his journey, we talked about the role that fear plays in our lives and the decisions we make. We talked about healing, and leading with love. The importance of breath and how just 60 seconds of breath work can shift the state you’re in. Dylan shares his journey from “dumb jock” to rockstar dad and entrepreneur, helping others on their path to self-love and having fun.

Life's Not Linear with Daniel Kleinman

My interview with Daniel is nothing short of inspiring. Daniel takes us through his series of calculated risks leading up to launching his accelerator @seaworthycollective. He shares of his experience graduating with no job lined up, holding out for the job he truly wanted, following his passions, jumping into entrepreneurship, and above all, having compassion for yourself.